Class 10  Computer Science  Questions Very Short Questions for SEE Exam[10 Marks]
Introducing a set of very short questions in Computer Science for the SEE (Secondary Education Examination) for Class 10 students can really help students get ready for their exams. These questions are short and cover important topics in computer science. They focus on basic concepts like common terms used in computing algorithms, and programming languages. By answering these questions, students can quickly review what they've learned and see if they understand the material well. It's like a quick check to see if they're ready for the exam. Plus, it helps them figure out which areas they need to study more. Overall, these short questions make studying for the computer science exam easier and boost students' confidence when they're ready to take the test.
Answer the following questions in one sentence. Â Â
1.     What is communication?
Answer: Communication is sending and receiving information between two or more persons.
2.     What is Tele-Communication?
Answer:Â The transmission of data and information from one place to another for the purpose of communication is known as telecommunication.
3.    Â
What are data communication mode?
Answer: Data communication modes refer to direction of  data flow between devices in a network or communication system. Simplex, Half Duplex and Full Duplex mode are the types of communication mode.
4.     What is analog signal?
Answer:Â An analog signal refers to a continuous electrical signal that varies over time and represents data as a continuous waveform.
5.     What is computer network?
Answer:Â Computer network is a group of two or more computers and devices connected to each other through wired or wireless media to exchange data and information and share hardware, software and other resources.
6.     Give reason in short that "Computer network reduces the cost of operation."
Answer:Â Â Computer network reduces the cost of operation by sharing hardware and software.
7.     What is network protocol?
Answer:Â A set of rules followed for interconnection and communication between computers in a network is called network protocol.
8.     What is topology?
AAnswer:Â Network topology is the inter-connected pattern of network components.
9.     Define bandwidth.
Answer:Â Bandwidth can be defined as the maximum volume of data that can be transmitted through a communication system.
10.  Write any two examples of full duplex modes of data transmission.
Answer:Â Any two examples of full duplex modes of data transmission are telephone and mobile.
11.  In which communication media data transfer is the fastest?
IAnswer:Â n Fiber optic cable, data transfer is the fastest.
12. Â
Write two examples of bounded media.
Answer:Â Any two examples of bounded media are Twisted Pair Cable and Fiber Optic Cable
13.  Which connector is used with coaxial cable?Â
Answer:Â BNC connector is used with coaxial cable
14.  Which type of cable typically uses RJ-45 connector?
Answer:Â Twisted pair cable
15.  What is communication media?
Answer:Â A channel or path through which data and information are transmitted between connected devices in a network environment is called communication media.
16.  What is internet?
Answer:Â The Internet is a global network of interconnected computers that allows people to share information and communicate from anywhere in the world.
17.  What is mail server?
Answer:Â A mail server is a computer system that is dedicated to handling and managing the sending, receiving, and storage of emails.
18.  What is web server?
Answer:Â A web server is a software or hardware that delivers web content to clients like browsers.
19.  What is search engine?
Answer:Â Search engine is the communication program that searches documents on the basis of specified keywords and returns a list of the web links that matches the keywords.
20.  Write the name of any two search engines.
Answer:Â The name of any two search engines is and
21.  What is web browser?
Answer: Web browser is a computer program that access web pages and displays them on the user’s computer.
22.  Mention any two services provided by internet.
Answer:Â Any two services provided by internet are Search engine and E-mail.
23.  What is e-mail?
Answer:Â E-mail is the most widely used service on the Internet which sends and receives messages electronically through the Internet.
24.  Define E-mail address.
Answer:Â An email address is a unique identifier used for sending and receiving electronic messages over the internet.
25.  Write the name of the protocol used for sending email messages.
Answer:Â -Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
26.  Define IP address.
Answer:Â IP address is an unique numerical identifier for every device or network that connects to the internet.
27.  What is switch in network connecting device?
28.  Which device is used to connect PC with telephone line?
Answer:Â MODEM is used to connect PC with telephone line.
29.  Why switch is also known as smart hub?
Answer: Switch is also known as smart hub  because it transfers packets to only those selected computers connected in network.
30.  Where does intranet has been used?
Answer:Â Intranet has been used to share internal information and resources within an organization.
31.  What is the business done through internet?
Answer:Â The business done through internet is e-commerce.
32.  What is Ecommerce?
Answer:Â E-commerce is also known as electronic commerce or Internet commerce which means buying and selling of goods, products, or services through Internet.
33.  What is M-Commerce?
Answer:Â The online transactions through the wireless handheld devices such as mobile phone, laptop, palmtop, tablet, or any other personal digital assistant is called M-Commerce.
34.  What is cyber-crime?
Answer:Â Cyber crime refers to criminal activities that are carried out using computers, networks and the internet.
35.  What is cyber bulling?
Answer:Â Cyber bullying is a kind of harassment using mobiles or computers.
36.  What is cyber law?
Answer:Â The law which governs the legal issues in the cyber space regarding the internet or WWW for digital data processing and transaction is called cyber law.
37.  Give some examples of cyber law
Answer:Â Computer crimes/Cyber-crime law
Intellectual property law
Data protection and privacy law
Telecommunication law
38.  When was cyber law introduced in Nepal?
Answer: 30th Bhadra 2061 B.S.Â
39.  What is key logger?
Answer:Â A keylogger is a tool that secretly records every key pressed on a computer or mobile device.
40.  What is a backup?
Answer:Â Backup is the system of copying data and programs into another location or creating a duplicate copy of it in a secured place.
41.  Which software is used to remove virus from Computer System?
Answer:Â Antivirus Software is used to remove virus from Computer System.
42.  What is information security?
Answer: Information security is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, recording or destruction of information.
43.  Why do you connect your PC to the UPS?
Answer: We connect PC to the UPS to control fluctuation of electric voltage and provides enough backup electric power to the computer system when there is power failure.
44.  Why data decryption is necessary?Â
Answer:Â To convert encrypted (coded) data into readable form.
45.  What is social media?
Answer:Â Social media refers to online platforms and websites that allow users to create, share, and interact with content and other users.
46.  Write opportunities and threats in social media.
Answer: Opportunities of social media is It creates awareness and innovate the way people live and Threats of social media is personal data and privacy can be easily hacked and shared on the internet.
47.  Write any two advantages of social media.
Answer:Â Ans: Any two advantages of social media are:
It creates awareness and innovate the way people live
Social media let us share anything with others around the world.
48.  List any two commandments of computer ethics.
Answer:Â Any two commandments of computer ethics.
Do not use a computer to publish fake information.
Do not search the file or record of other people.
49.  What is the vision of IT Policy of Nepal 2072?
Answer:Â The vision of IT Policy of Nepal 2072 is to transform Nepal into information and knowledge based society and economy.
50.  Define Computer security.
Answer:Â Computer security refers to protecting computer and its content from damage, theft or misuse and action to prevent such incidents.
51.  What is hardware security?
Answer:Â Hardware security is the protection given to the various hardware tools and equipment used in computer system from the accidental or intentional harm.
52.  What is Software security?
Answer:Â Software security is the protection of computer systems and applications from threats, such as hacking, virus attacks, and unauthorized access, to ensure their confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
53.  List any two software security measures.
Answer:Â Any two software security measures are password and backup
54.  Write two methods for hardware security.
Answer: Any two methods for hardware security are Insurance and Regular maintenance of computer hardware.
55.  List some points about how we can protect our data.
Answer:Â Antivirus software can detect and remove virus from the computer.
Software for backup helps in securing the information by keeping backup.
56.  What is digital signature?
Answer:Â Digital signature is a security mechanism system used on the internet for data and information transaction by attaching a code at the end of the electronic message that confirms the authenticity of sent message.
57.  What is digital currency?
Answer:Â Digital currency is a type of electronic money that is stored and exchanged using computers and other digital devices.
58.  What is digital citizenship?
Answer:Â Digital citizenship refers to the responsible and ethical use of technology and the internet which involves understanding, practicing, and promoting appropriate behavior when using digital tools and resources.
59.  Define Cryptography.
Answer:Â Cryptography is the study of secure communications techniques that allow only the sender and intended recipient of a message to view its contents
60.  What is mobile computing?
Answer:Â Mobile computing refers to a variety of devices that allow people to access data and information from wherever they are via a mobile device.
61.  What is Online Payment?
Answer:Â Online payment refers to the payment for buying goods or services through the Internet using different online payment gateway
62.  Name any to modes of Electronic Payments.
Answer:Â Any two modes of electronic payments are:
i)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Debit Card / Credit Card
ii)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Mobile wallet like e-sewa, khalti
63.  What is Cloud computing?
Answer:Â Cloud computing is a technology that allows users to access and use of computing resources, like servers and software, over the internet.
64.  Write any two benefits of cloud computing.
Answer:Â Any two benefits of cloud computing are
It allows to quickly and easily access, store information anywhere, anytime in the whole world, using an internet connection.
It is easier to get back-up and restore the data.Â
65.  List the services of Cloud Computing.Â
Answer:Â The services of cloud computing are : Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
66.  What is AI?
Answer:Â Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and reacts like humans.
67.  List some areas where Al can help us.
Answer:Â Robotics and Education
68.  What is e-governance?
Answer:Â E-Governance refers to the use of the digital technology by government to enhance the delivery of public services and engage with citizens more effectively.
69.  What is e-banking?
Answer:Â E-banking refers to a digital banking system that enables customers to conduct financial transactions and manage their accounts online through the internet or mobile apps without the need for a physical visit to a bank branch.
70.  What is IoT?
Answer:Â IoT is a system of interrelated computing device to exchange information over a network without human-to-human or human to computer interaction.
71.  Write any two examples of IOT.
Answer:Â Any two examples of IOT are: Smart Watch, Smart TV
72.  Which data type is used to store alpha numeric characters or special symbols in MS-Access?
Answer: Text data type is used to store alpha numeric characters or special symbols in MS-Access.
73.  Which data type is suitable to store photographs of students in MS-Access?
Answer:Â The suitable data type to store photographs of students in MS-Access is OLE object.
74.  Which data types are used to store graphics and numeric characters in MS-Access?
Answer:Â OLE object is used for graphic and Numeric data type is used for numeric character
75.  Which data type is used to store your school fee in MS-Access?
Answer:Â Currency is the data type used to store school fee in MS-Access.
76.  Which data type is suitable to store salary of an employee in MS-Access?
Answer:Â Â Currency data type is suitable to store salary of an employee in MS-Access.
77.  Which data type is used in MS-Access to store address of a person?
Answer:Â Memo data type is used in MS-Access to store address of a person.
78.  Which data type is used to store date of birth of an employee in MS-Access?
Answer:Â Date/Time data type is used to store date of birth of an employee in MS-Access
79.  Which in the logical data type of MS-Access?
Answer:Â The logical data type of MS-Access is Yes/No.
80.  Which data type of MS Access is used for data that can store only one of two possible values?
Answer:Â The data type that can store only one of two possible values is Yes/No.
81.  What data type is commonly represented as Boolean in MS - Access?
Answer:Â -Yes/No
82.  What is the field size of yes/no field?
Answer: The field size of YES/NO field is 1 bit.
83.  Write any two data type used in MS-Access database ?
Answer:Â Any two data type used in MS-Access database are text and number
84.  Which view is used to modify a table structure in MS-Access?
Answer:Â Design View is used to modify a table structure in MS-Access.
85.  What is the default extension of MS-Access?
Answer:Â The default extension of Ms-Access is : .mdb (2003 version) and .accdb (2007 version).
86.  What is the default size of text field in MS-Access?
Answer:Â The default size of text field is : 50 (2003 version) and 255(2007 version).
87.  What is the default size of number field in MS-Access?
Answer:Â The default size of number field in MS-Access is 4 bytes (Long Integer)
88.  What is the storage size of text and currency data type?
Answer:Â The storage size of text data type is 255 and currency data type is 8 bytes.
89.  What is the storage size of memo and text data type in MS- Access?
Answer:Â Text can store up to 255 characters and Memo can store up to 65,535 characters
90.  What is the maximum length of field name in MS-Access?
Answer:Â The maximum length of field name in MS-Access 64 characters.
91.  Which query is used to modify and calculate data in DBMS?Â
Answer:Â Update query is used to modify and calculate data in DBMS.
92.  Which view is used to modify a record in MS-Access?
Answer:Â Datasheet view
93.  Which object of MS-Access is used to retrieve data from the table?
Answer:Â Select Query
94.  Which query is used to make changes in data stored in database?
Answer:Â Update Query
95.  List any two objects of MS-AccessÂ
Answer:Â Query and Form
96.  Which object of MS-Access is used to retrieve data from the table?
Answer:Â Query is used to retrieve data from a table.
97.  Which object of DBMS is used to print information?
Answer:Â The object of DBMS which is used to print information is report.
98.  What is the primary component of a database that organizes data into rows and columns?
Answer:Â Table
99.  What is the primary building block of a database?
Answer:Â Table
100.   Which object is used to store the data in database?
Answer:Â Table
101.   Which object of MS Access is used to provide graphical interface to enter data into a table?
Answer:Â Form
102.  Which query is used to view the data stored in database?
Answer:Â Select query is used to view the data stored in database
103.         What is the purpose of a query in a database?
Answer:Â To ask question about the data stored in the database.
104.         Which field property speeds up searching and sorting of records based on a field?
Answer:Â Indexing
105.   Define validation text.
Answer:Â Validation Text is a field property which displays an error message that appears if the data entered is invalid according to the specified validation rule.
106.  Define validation rule.
Answer:Â Validation Rule is a field property which is used to limit the values that can be entered into a field.
107.  What happens while we enter text in number data type?
Answer:Â It does not accept data and displays error message.
108.   What is primary key?
Answer:Â A primary key is a field or combination of fields in a table that uniquely identifies each record, and is used to establish relationships between tables and enforce data integrity.
109.   List the importance of primary key.
Answer:Â The importance of primary key are
To reduce and control duplication of record in a table.
To set the relationship between tables.
110.  Write two examples of primary key fields.
Answer:Â Any two examples of primary key fields are SEE Registration Number and Roll Number
111.   Which key sets relationship between tables?
Answer:Â Primary Key
112.  What is meant by data redundancy?
Answer:Â Data redundancy is the duplication of data within a database.
113.  Define database.
Answer:Â Database is a collection of systematically organized inter-related data which stores, organizes and retrieves data.
114. What is DBMS?
Answer:Â DBMS is a computerized system that stores data, processes them and provides information in an organized form.
115.  List two examples of DBMS.
Answer:Â Any two examples of DBMS are MS-Access and Oracle.
116.  Write two features of Database Management System.
Answer:Â It reduces data redundancy which means duplication of data.
It allows multiple users to access the same data simultaneously.
117.  What is a RDBMS?
Answer:Â RDBMS is a type of DBMS that uses a relational model to organize and manage data, allowing users to easily retrieve and manipulate it.
118. Define MS Access.
Answer:Â MS-Access is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft Corporation which is used to store and manipulates large volume of data in multiple tables.
119.   Define Form.
Answer:Â Form is one of the MS-Access database objects which provides graphical interface to view, modify and add data in a table or multiple linked tables.
120.   Define relationship.
Answer:Â Relationship is a link between two tables that defines how they are related to each other by a common field.
121.   What terms are used to refer to a row and a column in a table?
Answer:Â Â Row is refers to Record or Tuple and Column refers to Field or Attribute.
122.  What is modular programming?
Answer:Â Modular programming is a technique used to divide program into many small, manageable, logical and functional modules or blocks.
123.  Write any two advantages of modular programming.
Answer:Â Different programmers can design different program modules independently, which is required in a large and complex program.
It is easy to design, code and test the program modules independently.
124. Which statement is used to call sub-procedure?
Answer:Â CALL statement is used to call sub-procedure.
125.  What are procedure in QBASIC?
Answer:Â Procedure is a block of statement that solves a particular problem.
126. What is module?
Answer:Â Module is a block of statement that solves a particular problem.
127. What is looping?
Answer:Â Looping is the process of repeating the execution of a statement or a block of statements guided by a condition and is terminated when the given condition is satisfied.
128.  Define Keyword with example.
Answer:Â Keyword is a set of special words which are already defined for some tasks.E.g. auto, double, int, long etc
129.  What is local variable?
Answer:Â Variables which are declared inside a module and which cannot be accessed by other module are called local variables.
130.  What is a global variable?
Answer:Â A variable in main module which can be accessed from any module or procedure of a program is known as a global variable.
131.  Which mode is used to add data items into the already existed data file in QBASIC?
Answer:Â APPEND mode is used to add data items into the already existed data file in QBASIC
132.  Which mode is used to read and display data from an existing sequential data file?
Answer:Â Input Mode
133.   List the modes of operations for opening a sequential file
134. Â
What is the use of EOF() function?
Answer:  EOF() function is used to test the end of records with in a file.
135. What is the MKDIR command used for in Q-Basic?
Answer: : MKDIR command is used to create a subdirectory which is used to manage files.
136. Write the types of parameters?
Answer:Â The types of parameters are actual and formal parameters.
137.  What is formal parameter?
Answer:Â Parameters are variables that will receive data (arguments value) sent to the procedures (SUB program and FUNCTION).
138Â . Â What is actual parameter?
Answer:Â Actual or Real parameters are arguments which are used to pass real value or data to the procedure.
139.  List the types of procedures.
Answer:Â The types of procedure are SUB Procedure and FUNCTION Procedure.
140.  What is the function of MOD in Qbasic?Â
Answer:Â The function of MOD in Qbasic is to find remainder.
141. What is the function of SQR in Q-Basic?
Answer:Â The function of SQR in Q-Basic us to calculate the square root of a given number.
142.  Write the function of Kill and Name….AS statement in QBasic.
Answer: The KILL statement  deletes a file. The NAME statement changes the name of a disk file or directory
143.  Write any two differences between Q-Basic and C-language.
Answer:Â Any two differences between Q-Basic and C-language
144.                   QBASIC | 145.                   C |
146.                   It is a high level language without feature of low level language. | 147.                   It is a high level language with some features of low level language. |
148.                   It is mostly used to design application software. | 149.                   It is mostly used to prepare system software. |
150.  Define C-programming.
Answer:Â C language is a structured programming language that divides program into many functions.
151.  Write any two features of C programming language?
Answer:Â Any two features of c programming language are:
C is a Structured Programming Language. which break down a program in several small modules and makes the programmer easier to manage and debug the code.
C is a case-sensitive programming language. It understands the capital alphabets and small alphabets as different values.
152.  Which is the structure programming language?
Answer:Â C language is the structure programming language.
153.  What is structured programming language
Answer:Â The programming that follows a top- down approach, on which developers separate the overall program structure into different sub section, is called structured programming.
154.  Write any two data types used in C language.
Answer:Â Any two data types used in C language are int and char.
155.  Why C is called a middle level language?
Answer:Â C is called middle level language because it combines elements of high level language with some features of assembler
156. Write a feature of C language.
Answer:Â A feature is C language is it is mostly used to prepare system software.
157.  Write any two limitations of C-Language.
Answer:Â Any two limitations of C-Language are:
There is no runtime checking. (the errors are not detected after each line of code.)
It does not provide strict data type checking (for example, an integer value can be passed for floating datatype).
158.  Give the name of any two header files used in C language
Answer:Â <stdio.h> and <conio.h>
159. Name the header/library file that handles mathematical functions in C Language.
Answer:Â - <math.h>
160.  What will be the value of ‘y’ in given C expression, y=64%5?
Answer:Â The value of y will be 4.
161.  What will be the value of x in given c expression x=55 % 10?
Answer:Â The value value of x will be 5.
162.  How many keywords are in C language?
Answer:Â There are set of 32 keywords in C language.
163.  What is an operator in C language?
Answer:Â Operator is a symbol that is used to perform mathematical operations.
164. Â
Write the name of unary operators used in C-languageÂ
Answer:Â Increment (++) and decrement (--).
165.  Write the name of two selection statement used in C language.
Answer:Â if and switch statement
166. Write any two looping statements used in C language.
Answer:Â for and while loop
167.   List any two examples of format specifier (Conversion Character) used in C Language.
Answer:Â Any two examples of format specifier (Conversion Character) used in C Language are %d (int) and %f (float)
2.     Write appropriate technical terms for the following:   [2×1=2]
168.  Data transmission in one direction only that is to send or receive only. Simplex Mode
169Â Â Law that governs the legal issues of cyberspace. Cyber Law
170.   Laws made to prevent criminal activities through the internet.  Cyber Law
171. Crimes committed using electronic devices and cyber space. Cyber crime
172. The smallest unit to represent information on a quantum computer. QubitÂ
(Quantum bit)
173.  A system of copying data and information reading in computer into another location. Backup
174.  The process of making copies of data or data files to use in the event the original data or data files are lost or destroyed. Backup
175.  A company which provides services of Internet. Internet Service Provider (ISP)
176.  Network of Networks. Internet
177.   The arrangement of connection patterns of computers or nodes and others resources. Network Topology
178. Arrangements of nodes in a Network. Topology
179.  A concept of transferring data from your computer to server Computer. Uploading
180.  Computer program that protects computer from computer virus. Antivirus software
181.  A program that can disinfect a file from virus. Antivirus software
182.  A malicious program of computer that damages data and Software. Malware
183.  A malicious program of computer that damages data and software. Computer virus
184.  A program that destroys other programs. Computer Virus
185.  Learning through the electronic media. E-learning
186. Commerce done by mobile. M-Commerce
187.  business through internet.    E- Commerce
188.  The amount of data transmitted per second through the communication channel. Bandwidth
189. The money that is exchanged electrically. Digital currency
190.  A computer which provides the services to the other computer in a network. Server
191.  A main computer of a computer network.  Server
192.  A powerful program that controls and coordinates a computer’s hardware devices and runs software and applications. Operating System
193. The protocol that makes the network communication possible. TCP/IP
194.  Digital marks created while using Internet. Digital Footprint
195.  Secret group of characters which helps to protect file from unauthorized person. Password
196. A secret code that gives the user to access particular program and System. - Password
197.  A type of network in which every computer works as both client and server. Peer to Peer Network
198.  The protection of computer systems and sensitive information from unauthorized access, theft or damage. Cybersecurity
199.  ) Paying money in E-Commerce using internet. Online Payment
200. The Internet tool which is used to upload download data. FTP
201.  A collective online communications channels dedicated to community based input, interaction, content sharing and collaboration. Social media
202.  A process of performing a variety of tech-enabled activities via virtual communities and network. -Social Media
204.  Hacking done with permission from the client. Ethical Hacking
205.   The process of identifying an individual usually based on a username and password. Authentication
206.  The mode of data communication in which data/information/signals are transmitted in both side simultaneously. Full Duplex Mode
207.  The network security systems that monitor and control the traffic flow (data packets). Firewall
208.  The process of repeatedly executing some code until condition satisfies. Looping
209.   Device used to connect a PC with a telephone line. MODEM
210.  Device to convert analog signal into digital signal and, vice versa. MODEM
211.  Making data and information unreadable by unauthorized person. Encryption
212.  it is the process of converting plain text to cipher text. Encryption
213.  The technology to encode file or message. Encryption
214. The method by which information is converted into secret code that hides the information's true meaning. Encryption
215.  The conversion of encrypted data into its original form. -  Decryption
217. A device that controls two dissimilar networks. Gateway
218.  Physical layout of computers in a network. Network Topology
219.  The mode of data communication in which data can be transferred in both directions at a time. Full Duplex Mode
220.  A unique numerical identifier for every device or network that connects to the internet. IP Address
221.  Combination of private and public cloud. – Hybrid Cloud
222.  Software require for browsing and surfing content on the WWW. Web Browser
223.  The fake attempt to obtain sensitive information such as username, password by disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity. PhishingÂ
224.  Network connecting device that boosts the data signals.Repeater
225.  A logical collection of Internet-connected devices such as computers, smartphones or internet of things (IoT) devices whose security have been breached and control is given away to a third party. Botnet
226.  A network device which broadcasts the information packets to all computer connected network. Hub
227. An applications that look like they are doing something harmless, but secretly have malicious code that does something else. Trojan Horse
228.  Numbers are only allowed in the secret code. Personal Identification Number (PIN)
229. A unique numerical identifier for every device or network that connects to the internet. IP Address
230. The issues related to cybercrime and also help in making and implementing laws over cybercrime. Cyber Law
231.  The internet service that enables to connect a remote or host computer. Telnet
232. The combination of username and password that is used to access a resource. credentials
233.  Paperless payment through Internet. Online Payment
234. Any software installed on your PC that collects your information without your knowledge. Spyware
235.  An intelligent device that has ability to determine the best possible path for data transmission. Router
236.  The kind of harmful computer code or web script designed to create system vulnerabilities. Malicious Code
237.  Combination of information technology and telecommunication technology. ICT
238.  A collection of internet host systems that make services available on the Internet using the HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol). WWW
239. A way to get the investment whole or part of it back in case the computer system is damaged. Insurance
3.     Write the full forms of the following:                            [2×1=2]
240.                   1.     bps: bits per second |
241.                   2.     ADSL – Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line |
242.                   3.     AI: Artificial Intelligence |
243.                   4.     ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
244.                   5.     B2B = Business to Business |
245.                   6.     BIOS - Basic Input Output System |
246.                   7.     CCTV : Closed Circuit Television |
247.                   8.     DNS - Domain Name System |
248.                   9.     FTP: File Transfer Protocol |
249.                   10.  G2B - Government-to-Business |
250.                   11.  G2G – Government to Government |
251.                   12.  GCE : Google Compute Engine |
252.                   13.  GPS:  Global Positioning System |
253.                   14.  ICT = Information and Communication Technology |
254.                   15.  IoT – Internet of Things |
255.                   16.  ISDN -Â
Integrated Services Digital Network |
256.                   17.  ISP – Internet Service Provider |
257.                   18.  LAN = Local Area Network |
258.                   19.  MAN: Metropolitan Area Network |
259.                   20.  MODEM - Modulator-Demodulator. |
260.                   21.  NAS - Network Attached Storage. |
261.                   22.  NIC – Network Interface Card |
262.                   23.  POP: Post Office Protocol |
263.                   24.  POS- Point Of Sale |
264.                   25.  SIM – Subscriber Identification Module |
265.                   26.  SMPS- Switched Mode Power Supply |
266.                   27.  SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
267.                   28.  STP: Shielded Twisted Pair |
268.                   29.  TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol |
269.                   30.  UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply |
270.                   31.  URL - Uniform Resource Locator |
271.                   32.  UTP: Unshielded Twisted Pair |
272.                   33.  VOIP - Voice Over Internet Protocol |
273.                   34.  VPN - Virtual Private Network |
274.                   35.  VRML- Virtual Reality Modeling Language |
275.                   36.  WAN : Wide Area Network |
276.                   37.  WAP: Wireless Application Protocol |
277.                   38.  WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network |
278.                   39.  WWW: World Wide Web |
279.                   40.  HEVC - High Efficiency Video Coding |
280.                   41.  VOLTE - Voice over Long Term Evolution |
281.                   42.  EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer |
282.                   43.  SMS  - Short Message Service |
283.                   44.  WiFi – Wireless Fidelity |
284.                   45.  VSAT – Very Small Aperture Terminal |
285.                   46.  BCC – Blind Carbon Copy |
286.                   47.  EFT – Electronic Funds Transfer |
287.                   48.  OTP – One Time Password |
288.                   49.  Paas – Platform as a Service |
289.                   50.  MMS – Multimedia Messaging Service |
290.                   51.  PDF – Portable Document Format |
291.                   52.  GPRS – General Packet Radio Service |
292.                   53.  Iaas – Infrastructure as a Service |
293.                   54.  CVT – Constant Voltage Transformer |
294.                   55.  FTTH – Fiber to the Home |
295.                   56.  DARPA – Defence Advanced Projects Agency Network |
296.                   57.  ETDSA – Electronic Transaction and Digital Signature Act |
297.                   58.  EMI – Electromagnetic Interference |
298.                   59.  IRC – Internet Relay Chat |
299.                   60.  RJ-45 – Registered Jack – 45 |
300.                   61.  Saas – Software as a Service |
301.                   62.  PIN – Personal Identification Number |
302.                   63.  VRML – Virtual Reality Modeling Language |
Thanks very much bro.....Hey i can't see this comment section in dark mode. Hope you are modifying your website.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Dark Mode is a bit messy here!
DeleteSorry for it and appreciate that you mentioned it. I will modify it soon!
Keep learning.
Can't we dowload this these sir ? idk why i can't
ReplyDeleteu gay mf
ReplyDeletefor 10 marks i aint reading all that
ReplyDeleteIf you have any doubts, Please let me know