1. Advertisements:
Advertisements are everywhere, from billboards to social media. In your English exam, you may be asked to write an advertisement for a product or service. Here's how to do it:
➣Start with a catchy headline that grabs attention.
➣Describe the product or service clearly and persuasively.
➣Highlight its features and benefits.
➣Include contact information or how to purchase the product.
➣End with a strong call to action, encouraging people to buy or try the product.
Rules and regulations are important for maintaining order and safety in various settings, such as schools, workplaces, or public places. Here's how to write them effectively:
➣Start with a clear title indicating what the rules are for.
➣List each rule separately, using simple language and bullet points.
➣Explain the consequences of not following the rules.
➣Keep the language polite but firm.
Example are below:
Writing a recipe requires clear instructions so that others can replicate the dish successfully. Here's how to write a recipe:
➣Start with a title indicating the name of the dish.
➣List all the ingredients needed, along with their quantities.
➣Write step-by-step instructions in chronological order.
➣Use imperative verbs (e.g., chop, mix, bake) to direct the cooking process.
➣Include cooking times and temperatures if necessary.

By learning these formats, you'll be well-prepared for the guided writing section of your Class 10 SEE exam. Practice regularly and pay attention to details to achieve success!
➣Highlight its features and benefits.
➣Include contact information or how to purchase the product.
➣End with a strong call to action, encouraging people to buy or try the product.
2. Rules and Regulations:
Rules and regulations are important for maintaining order and safety in various settings, such as schools, workplaces, or public places. Here's how to write them effectively:
➣Start with a clear title indicating what the rules are for.
➣List each rule separately, using simple language and bullet points.
➣Explain the consequences of not following the rules.
➣Keep the language polite but firm.
Example are below:
3. Writing Set of Instruction or Recipe:
Writing a recipe requires clear instructions so that others can replicate the dish successfully. Here's how to write a recipe:
➣Start with a title indicating the name of the dish.
➣List all the ingredients needed, along with their quantities.
➣Write step-by-step instructions in chronological order.
➣Use imperative verbs (e.g., chop, mix, bake) to direct the cooking process.
➣Include cooking times and temperatures if necessary.

4. Notice Writing
Tips for the students
●Write a letter head which the question demands.
●Mention the date of notice published
●Give short heading like; Notice/Notice for the Programme/Notice for School Closure
●You may begin the notice like;
➣ This is to notify that .........
➣ It is notified that......
➣It is informed that
➣It's our immense pleasure to inform you that ......
➣We are pleased to inform you that........
●Mention the programmme details like; Date, place and Venue.
●Include all the clues given in the question
●Write the name and designation of the person who issued the notice.
Below are Some Examples
1. Some of your students are suffering from viral conjunctivitis which is spreading fast among the children. Prepare a short announcement notice for three days school closure on behalf of your head teacher. (तपाईंका केही विद्यार्थीहरू तीव्र रूपमा फैलिँदै गएको भाइरल आँखा पाक्ने रोगबाट ग्रसित भएका छन् । प्रधानाध्यापकको तर्फबाट तीन दिन विद्यालय बन्द रहने सूचना तयार पार्नुहोस् ।)
Balpremi Secondary School
Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur
16th August 2023
This is to notify all the students and teachers that the School Management Committee has decided to close the school for three days because of the rapid spread of viral conjunctivitis in recent days. The school will remain closed from 17th August 2023 to 19th August 2023.
Some of the students have already suffered from viral conjunctivitis and it is spreading fast among the children and teachers. Therefore, we urge all the teachers and students to take precautions as the infection of the disease may increase.
Since the school will remain closed for three days, the students are informed to make necessary arrangements for the learning. Furthermore, regular classes will resume from 20th August 2023.
Head Teacher
2. As a secretary of the Eco-Club of a reputed school, Butwal. Draft a formal notice for the oratory competition which is going to be organized in your school by the committee. (एउटा ख्यातिप्राप्त विद्यालयको पर्यावरणीय क्लबको सचिवको हैसियतले वक्तृत्वकला प्रतियोगिताका लागि औपचारिक सूचनाको मस्यौदा तयार पार्नुहोस् ।)
Oratory Contest slogan: Beat the Plastic Pollution .......... on World Environment Day.......... for grade 9 &10.......... date/time/venue of the programme ........ cash prize chief guest: Principal of your school.
Jyotipunj Secondary School
Butwal-10, Rupandehi
Ref.no.: 2023 Date: 1st June 2023
Notice about the Programme
It's our immense pleasure to inform you that the Eco Club of our school is going to organize an 'Oratory Contest' with the slogan Beat the Plastic Pollution on the occasion of World Environment Day 2023.
We believe that the event will be an effective tool to advocate about environmental issues. We also hope that this programme will bring us together and unite to combat the existing environmental pollution. The contest will be held among the students of grade 9 & 10. Therefore, the interested students of the respective classes are requested to register their names to participate in the competition by the 3rd of June at school administration. The top three students will be awarded with cash prizes and medals. The chief guest of the programmes will be our respected principal who will plant a mango tree on the schoolyard.
We are confident that with your kind support, we will make our event a grand success.
Programme Details:
Date: 5th June 2023
Time: At 10 am sharp
Venue: School premises
Kritika Duwal
3. Suppose you are the coordinator of Extra-Curricular Activities at your school. Your school is organizing Inter-house Spelling Contest next Friday. Draft a notice to be circulated in the class. Include the following points. (मानौँ तपाईं आफ्नो विद्यालयको अतिरिक्त क्रियाकलाप संयोजक हुनुहुन्छ। अर्को शुक्रबार तपाईंको विद्यालयले हिज्जे प्रतियोगिताको आयोजना गर्दै छ। तलका शब्दावली समावेश गरी कक्षाकोठामा सुनाउनका लागि एउटा सूचनाको मस्यौदा तयार पार्नुहोस् ।)
Spelling Contest......... grade 8, 9 & 10 students......... date/time/venue of the programme medals and certificate chief guest: SMC Chairperson of your school.
Morning Glory Secondary School
Ratnanagr-10, Chitwan
26th August 2023
Notice about the Programme
It is notified that our school is organizing Inter-house Spelling Contest next Friday. The contest will be held among the students of grade 8, 9 & 10. Therefore, the interested students of the respective classes are informed to take part in the contest. The students, who are willing to take part in the competition, can inform their class teacher by Wednesday. The top three students will be awarded with medals and certificates. The Chairperson of the School Management Committee will be joining us as the chief guest of the programme. We are hopeful that with your active participation, we will make our event a grand success.
Programme Details:
Date: 1st September 2023
Time: At 10 am sharp
Venue: Auditorium Hall
By learning these formats, you'll be well-prepared for the guided writing section of your Class 10 SEE exam. Practice regularly and pay attention to details to achieve success!
very useful notes for me. thank you gaurab dai
ReplyDeleteNotice 3 ota xa different format ma eutei matra lekhda kei hudeina ?
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